December 09, 2021

五场毕业典礼,全国大学排名,河鹰队的战绩等等. 这是浩博体育app又一个成功的一年. Here are some of our favorite stories from 2021.

One Year, Two Classes and Five Commencements

浩博体育app在5月份举行了5场毕业典礼,欢迎了800多名毕业生及其家人和支持者 Class of 2021 and the Class of 2020她忠实地等待了442天,才回到州立大学亲自接受学位.

这些仪式是萨斯奎哈纳所取得成就的完美象征, with the support of students, faculty and staff, during the 2020-21 academic year. Read more about how we got there here.

A Return to Traditions

Credit: Joseph Dudeck ’23 继2020年新冠肺炎疫情使虚拟或修改传统成为必要之后,2021年又迎来了传统的回归 traditions that make Susquehanna so special.

数百名家庭成员在家庭周末期间来访. 1200多名校友和朋友来到校园参加返校聚会.

Faculty and staff served Thanksgiving Dinner 感谢感恩的同学们,我们的圣诞烛光礼拜活动再次灯火通明.

National Rankings

Susquehanna was again named in U.S. News and World Report在2022年全美文理学院排行榜上,排名第一. 117.

We rose in the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education 2022年全美顶尖高校排名,最多排名第一. 207, an improvement of eight places over last year.

在全国近3000所四年制大学中,浩博体育app是仅有14%的大学之一 The Princeton Review,该机构认为SU是全美最好的本科生院校之一.

Forbes 商业杂志在其最新的大学排名中将浩博体育app评为宾夕法尼亚州的顶尖大学之一, ranking Susquehanna No. 13 among small, private colleges in Pennsylvania.

Around Campus

In 2021, 浩博体育app扩大了其地理覆盖范围,并对校园内的其他空间进行了升级.

We dedicated the Rev. Dr. Lois D. Martin ’90 and Dr. Thomas J. Martin, MD Retreat Center, 这是丹维尔附近的一处乡村房产,将被用作度假胜地, 为许多大学的学术和课外活动提供学习和聚会空间.

Isaac’s Auditorium 经过翻新,保留了礼堂的建筑完整性,包括升级的灯光和音响技术以及翻新的舞台, new flooring and new seating.

The graphic design studio 也得到了翻新,而大学在查尔斯B. Degenstein Campus Center: the Hawk Hub, 这是一个“一站式商店”,学生可以在这里获得他们在萨斯奎汉纳大学取得成功所需的信息.

Also new to campus is a grove of pawpaw trees at the Center for Environmental Education and Research.


左起分别是23岁的阿德里安娜·厄尔伯格、18岁的卢克·杜克曼、23岁的凯拉·约翰逊和汉娜·凯利-奎格利 ... 左起分别是23岁的阿德里安娜·厄尔伯格、18岁的卢克·杜克曼、23岁的凯拉·约翰逊和20岁的汉娜·凯利-奎格利.2021年,学院的研究揭示了一些有趣的工作,而学生们也获得了自己的荣誉.

Research from Matthew Rousu, dean of Susquehanna’s Sigmund Weis School of Business, and Nick Clark, associate professor and chair of political science, suggests that paying people 接种COVID-19疫苗可能是美国实现群体免疫最简单、最快的方法.

David Imhoof, professor of history, published So, About Modern Europe … 这本书用轻松而引人入胜的风格——和一些咸的语言——引导读者了解好的一面, the bad and the indifferent of modern European history.

Samya Zain, professor of physics, published her second physics textbook 热力学与统计力学:物理学家与工程师导论.


Thirteen students earned the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, a U.S. Department of State grant program that enables U.S. 经济条件有限到国外学习或实习的学生. Read more about them here and here.

Adriana Oelberg ’23 获美国外交事务资讯科技奖学金.S. 国务院-美国仅有的几个奖项之一.

Luke Duceman ’18 received his second Fulbright U.S. 在哥斯达黎加获得英语助教奖学金(ETA)的学生项目奖,此前他的第一个奖学金因Covid-19大流行而中断.

Kailah Johnson ’23 被选中参加富布赖特暑期学院, 世界上最负盛名和最具选择性的夏季奖学金项目之一.

Hannah Kelly-Quigley ’20 was awarded a U.S. 国家重点语言奖学金,2021年暑期来华学习.

Advancement and Alumni Relations


Susquehanna publicly launched its capital campaign Give Rise 在返校聚会周末,宣布已经有超过1.4亿美元的资金投入到1.6亿美元的目标中——这是该校历史上最雄心勃勃的筹款活动. The campaign, which will support student scholarships, capital improvements and Susquehanna’s endowment, 尽管Covid大流行带来的挑战推迟了该运动的公开宣布,但仍筹集了近88%的目标. 

Our alumni are thoughtful leaders, critical thinkers and global citizens, and their expertise spans countless industries. In 2021, they volunteered their time in a series of webinars exploring topics such as immuno-oncology, learning styles the US-Afghanistan relationship, ancestry research, food and wine pairings, seasonal recipes and more.